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Bioimaging Shared Resource


The goal of the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center Bioimaging Shared Resource is to advance the scientific research programs of the Cancer Center by providing powerful, reliable, and readily accessible light microscopic image acquisition and analysis capabilities to SKCC investigators. The Resource provides a state of the art STED (stimulated emission depletion) super-resolution system, laser point-scanning and spinning disk confocal, TIRF (total internal refection fluorescence), and widefield epifluorescence microscopy capabilities allowing for multi-wavelength visualization and analysis of fixed and living specimens, Z series, single molecule events at surfaces and interfaces, as well as image analysis and processing expertise.

Overview of Services

The SKCC Bioimaging Shared Resource has:

  • A Leica TCS SP8 STED 3X confocal/super-resolution microscope (Leica STED) providing a major step forward in imaging resolution capable of achieving 40 nm lateral and 130 nm axial resolution. Both live cells and fixed samples up to 300 μm thick can be imaged using 3 to 5 different wavelengths. The system also features the LIGHTNING detection package extracting more information from confocal images in real time.
  • A Nikon A1R point-scanning laser confocal microscope offering both high speed resonant and high resolution galvano scanners.  The system supports four (4) color samples, but features spectral unmixing for up to eight (8) dyes.  Live cell incubation available.
  • A spinning disk confocal/TIRF microscope (TIRF Microscope) specialized for short-term high-speed observation of live cells, particularly of the cell-substrate interface region.
  • A widefield epifluorescence microscope (DeltaVision Ultra) for longer-term observation (minutes to hours) of multiple regions of interest in living samples.
  • Histological samples can be imaged on the Nikon NiU (Brightfield Microscope).

Training, Protocol Development & Image Analysis

Our goal is to have all instruments fully operational and ready for usage to accommodate investigators' needs at all times. To this end, the SKCC Bioimaging Shared Resource staff will provide expertise and operate instruments for occasional users who may not need or want to acquire proficiency themselves. For more intensive prospective users, the Resource provides training on the use of all the systems and monitors their usage. Once trained and having satisfactorily demonstrated proficiency to Resource staff, the equipment is available on a 24/7 basis. To ensure that skills are maintained, investigators who have not used the Resource equipment for several months are encouraged to schedule a brief refresher session - this may be required at Resource management discretion.

Advice on protocol development, filter and fluorophore choice is also available. Staff will assist with troubleshooting image quality and data quantification, providing information on applications custom-tailored to the individual investigator's needs.

Publication Acknowledgement

To accurately reflect the assistance the SKCC Bioimaging Shared Resource plays in your research and to help assure its continued funding, please be sure to include the following Resource name and grant number in the acknowledgment section of all publications:

Bioimaging Shared Resource of the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center (NCI 5 P30 CA-56036), and any staff (as appropriate).


Claudio Giraudo, PhD | SKCC Bioimaging Shared Resource Co-Director

Philip Wedegaertner, PhD | SKCC Bioimaging Shared Resource Co-Director

Jason Hill, PhD SKCC Bioimaging Shared Resource Associate Director

James Muller, PhD | SKCC Bioimaging Shared Resource Manager

Location and Hours of Operation

Hours Location

Staffed Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm          

24/7 access for trained users


912 and 910 BLSB
233 South 10th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107


Name Role Phone Email Location
Philip Wedegaertner, PhD
Facility Co-Director
839 BLSB
Claudio Giraudo, PhD
Facility Co-Director
Claudio.Giraudol@jefferson edu
BLSB 608
Jason Hill, PhD
Facility Associate Director
BLSB 908
James Muller, PhD
Facility Manager
BLSB 908