In observance of the holidays, Agilent CrossLab/iLab Operations Software Support Help Desk will be closed during U.S. hours on Monday, February 17th, 2025. We will resume regular U.S. support hours on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025. For urgent matters, please add "Urgent" to the ticket/email subject or press "1" when prompted to escalate a call on the iLab Support phone, and we will prioritize those requests first.

Integrated Structural Biology Shared Resource

Overview of Services

This facility serves the needs of SKCC research programs in structural biology, including cryo-electron microscopy, crystallization, x-ray data collection, structure determination, and structural analysis of macromolecules. The facility has a ThermoScientific 200 kV Glacios transmission electron microscope equipped with a Falcon 4 direct electron detector, a Vitrobot 5 for cryo-EM sample preparation, a Formulatrix NT8 robot crystallization robot for high-throughput crystallization screening and maintains a Rigaku MicroMax-007HF microfocus rotating anode X-ray generator dual equipped for data collection from macromolecular crystals and Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS). The left port of this instrument, dedicated to X-ray data collection from macromolecular crystals, is equipped with high focusing mirrors and a new ultrafast PILATUS 200K Hybrid Pixel Array Detector and a X-stream 2000 cryogenic system, while the right port hosts a new BioSAXS-2000 2D Kratky SAXS system.

The facility also provides access to instrumentation for biophysical characterization of proteins, and protein/protein and protein/DNA interactions. These instruments include a Beckman Coulter Analytical Ultracentrifuge (ProteomeLab XL-I/A Protein Characterization System), a JASCO J-810 Spectropolarimeter, a BIACORE 3000 SPR biosensor, and a TA Instruments Nano-Isothermal Titration Calorimeter.


Dmitry Temiakov, Ph.D | Director

Erik Debler, Ph.D. | Co-Director

Ashok Nayak, Ph.D | Cryo-EM Facility Manager

Hideharu Hashimoto, Ph.D. | X-ray Crystallography Facility Manager

Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

Staffed Monday - Friday, 9am - 5:00pm          

24/7 access for trained users

Glacios Control room: JAH 444

Vitrobot/ITC: JAH 442

X-ray/CD: JAH 457

1020 Locust Street

19107 Philadelphia PA


Links and Resources


Name Role Phone Email Location
Dmitry Temiakov, PhD
(215) 503-4692
JAH 425e
Erik Debler, PhD
(215) 503-4596
JAH 411f
Ashok Nayak, PhD
Cryo-EM Manager
(215) 503-4030
JAH 425c
Hideharu Hashimoto, PhD
X-ray crystallography Manager
(215) 503-9252
JAH 412D
